Advanced Account Analysis

Sales’ Secret Triple-A Always Saves the Day

The best way to sell anything is to join a conversation that’s already happening. Don’t try to change a potential client’s mind on anything, but understand what they’re already doing, thinking, and worrying about. 

And you can’t understand what’s on a client’s mind without a killer research habit. Over the past year, we’ve spent time discussing account avatars, case studies, and account planning—all of which have touched on the topic of research and analysis. 

But 2023 is right around the corner, and it’s time for a true deep dive, nitty gritty unpacking of what it means to spend quality time researching both potential and current accounts in order to:

  • Solve client problems

  • Make yourself invaluable to your team (and boss!) 

  • Rake in the commission

Because the truth is, most sales professionals skip this step. Or they do one lousy Google search and think they’ve got the gist. And while one Google search is better than none…it’s not enough to secure your job in an impending recession. 

Here’s the reality of today’s job landscape—people are getting laid off left and right. 

You wanna keep your job? Make yourself f*cking useful. 

Everyone—even the veteran sales professional—has to justify their job these days. It’s all capitalism baby. So if your employer pays you $150k a year, you need to bring back triple that in sales. 

But Keril, how do I actually do that? That’s the $550k question, isn’t it? How to guarantee you’ll be the one in the corner office while half your team gets laid off. And that’s what this blog series will address. 

This Sales Life is putting together the most in-depth guide on account analysis that you’ll find anywhere. This isn’t a 101-level freshman course. It’s the grad school 506 class you have to apply to get into. 

But, lucky for you, we’re doing it for free. 

Why? Because being in tech sales is exciting! More people should enjoy the challenge of sales, the daily creativity needed to close deals and solve problems, and the security that a massive paycheck brings for you and your family. 

Over the next few months, we’ll address the three levels of research and analysis successful sales reps utilize on every account: 

  1. Individual. Identifying avatars and understanding the individual psychology involved in sales. 

  2. Micro. Looking at company-level needs from a bird’s eye view.

  3. Macro. Exploring industry trends, global influences, inflation, and CPI data.

In addressing these essential aspects of account analysis, you’ll discover how to close deals when the market’s down, ask the right questions, and gain approval from essential players to get a deal done. 

In the meantime, sit back, relax and enjoy the holidays. But don’t get too comfy, there’s work to be done!

What’s Next?

While you’re anxiously awaiting the next installment of our Triple-A Series—Advanced Account Analysis, that is—a perfect next step is to join a community of tech sales professionals who are building a better world through empathetic selling and problem-solving. 

Lissen, I know that everyone doesn’t have the budget for another monthly membership—although this Patreon is pure gold so you may wanna give it some thought—so y’all know I’ve always got a freebie or two ready for instant download, and implementation. 

Join the email list for weekly reminders, exclusive access to free downloads, and special offers.

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